The Lorenzenhof was built in Oberwolfach in 1608 and is a typical Kinzigtal house, with a stone-built basement and a timbered upper floor set upon it. The stalls are located in the stone basement floor. In the upper floor, parlour and bedchamber lie next to each other at the front side.
The stalls and living area together are referred to as house. The section in which farming products and equipment were stored and threshing and other work took place is adjacent to the house.
Typical of the Kinzigtal house is the so-called nut-floor, a hollow mezzanine between the ceiling of the parlour and bedchamber and the loft above. It was used for drying out nuts or for storing work tools and instruments.
In the Lorenzenhof there is a permanent exhibition called the "Forest Museum". The ground floor is dedicated to the history of forestry in the Black Forest and also looks at traditional forestry-related crafts and the various woodworking trades. Exhibits on the upper floor focus on mining, glassmaking and pottery in the Black Forest. The last exhibition room located in the loft presents the challenges that tradesmen faced along their transport routes and shows which means of transport were of fundamental importance.